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请问有知道马里兰州Rockbridge Academy高中情况的吗?想了解这所学校的情况,谢谢!
飞雪 通过 网站 提问于2015-10-04 20:47:00 分享
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    Julie Marsh Director of Admissions 招生办主任
    译文:学校使用托福来考量申请者的英语水平,所以建议申请者参加TOEFL iBT的考试。学校自己有一套内部的学术测验来衡量学生的数学和阅读理解能力,通常在刚到学校还没开学的时候参加,通过这些测试来决定学生的课程设定。我们不要求SSAT考试成绩。
    原文:For determining English proficiency, we rely on TOEFL scores. TOEFL iBT gives us the most accurate representation of English usage skills so we recommend applicants take that test. We have an internal academic assessment for math and reading comprehension that the applicant takes for class placement and usually occurs upon their arrival to the States prior to the start of school. We don't require the SSAT test.

    The minimum score for the TOEFL iBT is 80. Rockbridge Academy has a challenging honors curriculum with an emphasis on writing and speaking assignments even in math and science classes so it is imperative that international applicants have strong English skills. Students that score higher than 80 will typically do better in the classroom. We do not offer ESL courses.

    Currently, we have one Chinese exchange student. We have a couple of students from other Asian countries attending Rockbridge as well; all of which are in the high school.

    We purposely keep the percentage of international students low so that foreign exchange students fully immerse themselves into the local culture and use their English with our Rockbridge students. Actually one Chinese student transferred to Rockbridge from another U.S. high school because she found the large group of Chinese students would isolate themselves from the rest of the school. It was nice for her to have some familiarity, but she wanted to use her English more.

    We have had great success with our foreign exchange program, and we continue to stay in touch with our former exchange students. Our foreign exchange students thrive in our structure classrooms and benefit from the attention they receive from administrators and teachers.

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