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大家好我申请了St. George(RI)给他们递交了vericant.不幸的是我的vericant只有10%。我还没去他们学校面试。招生官给我回了一个inquiry的邮件。想让大家帮我看看啥意思。是不是同意我去校园面试了?我总感觉他们不太想让我去。寄宿前30的学校是不是都很难得到校园面试机会呢?
大家好我申请了St. George(RI)给他们递交了vericant.不幸的是我的vericant只有10%。我还没去他们学校面试。招生官给我回了一个inquiry的邮件。想让大家帮我看看啥意思。是不是同意我去校园面试了?我总感觉他们不太想让我去。寄宿前30的学校是不是都很难得到校园面试机会呢?
Greetings from the Hilltop!
Thank you very much for your recent inquiry. We are very excited for the upcoming school year and it has been very busy here in the admission office.
I am pleased to present you with our online view book and catalog. I hope that you find this material informative and helpful as you make this decision regarding secondary school. I hope that you are considering seriously taking this journey with us and that these materials will only bolster the strong feelings you have about St. George's. As you will see in these materials, St. George's is a school that focuses on the here and now while preparing you well for what comes after St. George's.
The next step in the process is coming to St. George's for a visit. Please call our office at (401) 842-6600 with any questions or to schedule a visit.
Please follow the following link to our view:
最佳回答兔子的傻爸 家长回答于01/06/2016邮件要判断是针对你个人的,还是普发的。
判断方法就是:1. 是不是作为普世真理,用在谁身上都可以;2. 有没有针对你孩子的具体的细节(抬头写孩子名字不算,如果你留过名字的话)
从这封邮件字面看,我认为是普发邮件,,因为:1. 换个人,这封邮件依然成立;2.我没有看到你孩子的具体信息,比如欢迎你孩子具体某天某个时刻来面试的信息
现在的科学手段,用后台程序都可以完成这些常规工作的处理。就是在你填写完Inquiry Form时,只要在数据库里留下你的邮件地址,系统就自动产生这个邮件发送给你。
你还是应该按这个邮件的要求,去电话协商是否能面试。有时,打个电话就能避开vericant,只要学校办公室文员能给孩子留出面试时间空挡。 -
回答于01/06/2016这个是统一回复邮件, 就打电话预约面试, 一步一步走。 不过 st george 高大上学校, vericant 10% 估计很悬。
Candice Zhou老师 中级顾问回答于01/06/2016这个明显是普发的邮件,自动回复的,建议就直接打电话过去询问。不过verican10%基本申请这所学校没戏!
回答于01/08/2016同学好,"vericant只有10%", 你一定需要有ESL的学校,St. George(RI)没有,它不适合你。忘掉它,不要浪费时间了,赶紧选适合你的学校吧。