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想了解下密西西比州的St. Andrew's Episcopal School的学术水平、学生结构、毕业去向以及课外活动等方面信息,谢谢!
提问于2016-06-20 15:54:14
石老师-留学美国网 中级顾问回答于06/30/2016家长您好!根据您的问题,留学美国网为您作出如下解答:
1,学术水平:St. Andrew's Episcopal School是一所独立大学预备学校,学术水平非常高。该校是密西西比唯一一所被誉为“常春藤大学的输送学校The Feeder School for Ivy League”的中学。提供普林斯顿大学培养领导力的课程。
Caucasian白种人 - 71.8%
African American非裔美国人 - 12.6%
Asian亚洲人 - 7.8%
Asian Indian印度裔 - 1.7%
Other其他 - 0.2%
Multi-racial多种族 - 4.2%
Hispanic American南美西班牙裔 - 0.6%
Middle Eastern中东 - 0.3%
No response - 2.5%
该校毕业去向也不错,2014年毕业生有进入如下大学的:Fordham University, The George Washington University, Harvard University, New York University, Stanford University, University of Southern California, etc.
射箭、棒球、篮球、保龄球、拉拉队、跳舞、越野、垒球、橄榄球、高尔夫、举重、足球、游泳、网球、田径、排球、乐队、长曲棍球等。 -
回答于06/23/2016St. Andrew's is recognized as one of the best schools in Mississippi. It has high SAT/ACT scores, low student-teacher ratio, matriculation to quality colleges, and good reviews from students and parents.
It’s a co-ed school with around 1,200 students, and comprises of 88% white, 9% black, 3% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 1% Hispanic students.
Class of 2016 matriculation - 22% University of Mississippi, 13% Vanderbilt University, 11% Tulane University and 11% University of Texas - Austin.
The school provides a variety of clubs and organizations for students with different interests. The list of the clubs can be found at the school webpage: http://www.gosaints.org/page.cfm?p=582