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我是LEAP的导师Christina Lin,很高兴能为您解答。
-Christina Lin -
费文仪(LEAP导师) 读者回答于06/29/2016个人认为四年美高和中途加入没有明显的区别。区别还是在于学生如何利用学校资源,以及如何把时间利用起来完善自己。也许从九年级开始读学生能够更好适应,但对于本申来说,这并不代表比十年级或以后开始就读的学生更加有优势。
我是LEAP的导师费文仪,毕业于Foxcroft School,现在就读于卡内基梅隆大学,很高兴为你解答这个问题。 -
回答于06/24/2016That depends on when you start high school in the US. For example, many colleges don’t take that much into account a student’s grades in G9. They normally look at 3 years (most important being G11 and first term of G12).
However, if the English standard is not that good, then the earlier you go to school in the US, the better. If your English is good, then G9 is ok since you can spend the time getting used to the curriculum and the way of teaching in the first year, then you start to run afterwards. But if the English standard is not good, you cannot even walk and so the more time that you have the better. -
回答于06/24/2016这个是要根据学生具体情况, 申请大学时不能说一定存在人为不能克服的困难。什么困难都能克服, 还有11年级来留学的, 也申请到了比较好的大学。