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回答于07/07/2016What is the score?
There are schools that will accept a lower score so you need to look at the particular school.
Going there to look is always a good thing as it will give you a perspective where your child stands in the overall pool. -
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于07/07/2016申请17fall入学的话,不建议这个暑期去考察。首先暑期学校也放假了,您去了看不到学生上课生活的氛围,感受不到学校真正的面貌,不利于做选校决定。另外,孩子标化考试成绩还没出来,建议托福和SSAT都拿到了满意的分数之后再考虑访校的事,暑期是最好的补习时期,最好能在暑期专注的准备考试,而且有了成绩后选校准确度也高一些。
回答于07/06/2016暑假可以来考察, 但预约面试会比较困难。 面试一般是9月份到一月份。 一定要事先计划好行程, 提前预约。