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回答于07/14/2016He should go to a school that is by the coast, like west coast, Hawaii, or the south east. You can also look at schools around Rhode Island where they had the America’s Cup a while back, as well as San Francisco and San Diego in recent years. Not a lot of students sail, and it will be something different when your child is applying to college.
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于07/15/2016选校除了标化以外,还要看你们最注重学校的哪些因素,根据更具体因素的来权衡和筛选。根据您提供的信息,您儿子可选东部和西部学校都很多,不过要注意的是这档的申请也是竞争最激烈的一档。需要文书、面试等过程中把控好细节。希望能够帮到你,有问题可以与我们联系。