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回答于08/08/2016My daughter got into Milton twice. The first time she went to Exeter instead of Milton but found that she should have gone to Milton as it is a better fit for her. The second time she applied on her own. The school wants students who have initiative, have leadership skills, are able to make friends easily, is strong academically, and speaks and write English well. My daughter says that the English program is very good there.
美国厚仁教育 何老师 读者回答于08/05/2016Milton Academy是顶尖的私立寄宿学校,需要提前规划。先把标准化成绩如托福 SSAT准备好,竞争力较强的托福是105 ,SSAT是90% 。在入学前一年的9月份要开始准备材料的递交、面试准备等。若条件允许,也可以进行访校面试,需要在当年的1月15日前完成。3月10日将统一发放录取结果,加油!希望对您有帮助!
美国厚仁教育 何老师