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新东方前途出国廉老师 中级顾问回答于08/09/2016前三十的美国学校竞争非常激烈,对于中国学生堪比甚至超过美国本科申请的难度,所以像Deerfield这种十校联盟的学校,更是对学生的各方面素质和能力都有很高的要求。当然每年学校招生时,会考虑学校的情况,例如如果今年橄榄球队处于劣势,可能会倾向招一个橄榄球特长的学生。所以建议申请之前查看学校官网,了解学校近期的活动和比赛,以及学校的优势和劣势。总而言之,学校都喜欢在自身足够优秀的情况下,能够给学校带来一定优势的学生。
回答于08/08/2016They want students who have good character and are responsible. Leadership skills is important as well. They are also interested in students who are well rounded as they want them to participate in Music as well as Athletics, as well as are able to contribute to the community.