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最佳回答FS小编 中级顾问回答于09/20/2016@北京9C垣妈:先让他分析一下哪里有问题,也可以找老师问问;再针对存在的问题,制定学习计划。
@济南10A千妈:@厦门12A猪妈 我会告诉他,我想他就是不愿同老师交流;去年跌跌撞撞的过来了,今年好些了,但是还是说学习压力大,我想帮助他,也是有想法没办法,所以求助各位大神
@济南10A千妈:@北京9C垣妈 应该还是学习成绩吧
@济南10A千妈:@北京9C垣妈 这个很少给我们交流。问也是三言两语
@南京9A静静妈:@济南10A千妈 你不要太忧虑,一方面加强和任课老师的沟通,学校应该匹配了顾问老师,平时经常和顾问老师谈谈心;另一方面最重要的是必须让孩子培养自主学习的能力,这个坎一定要过。
@济南10A千妈:@南京9A静静妈 说的极是,我明天也给顾问老师写信,因为孩子不善言表,作家长的就得多费心
@深圳10uk喵喵妈:@济南10A千妈 做爸爸的可能愿意鼓励孩子独立解决问题吧?
@济南10A千妈:@深圳10uk喵喵妈 他的课是他自己选的,我问他是多大难度,他说是美国学生11年级的课程。我不知道他为什么选那么难的课程
@顾问麻省航海图:看其他中国孩子选难的课. 为了证明自己? -
Mishell老师-北京 中级顾问回答于09/20/2016国内和美国学校的考核标准不同,单从提高成绩来讲,建议孩子先研究清楚这门课的考核标准如何,可以询问老师和学长,再有的放矢地制定学习计划。
与提高成绩相比,锻炼和提升沟通能力更为重要,以此为契机多跟老师同学交流。 -
回答于09/22/2016This is because in the US, the schools want the students to be mature and independent, and that is why they do not encourage students to have tutors. If students have questions about a certain subject, the teachers are generally very happy to work with the students after classes. Here are some other suggestions on how to be a successful student in the US. Some of the things are similar to China, but there are some other points that are unique to international school settings.
Try to encourage your child to develop the qualities of a successful student:
1. Make his or her studies a priority.
2. Be punctual.
3. Work honestly.
4. Stay focused.
5. Don’t compare him or herself to anyone else.
6. Work on making incremental progress.
7. Get excited about the material.
How to succeed in the classroom:
1. Pay attention.
2. Take notes.
3. Ask questions.
4. Participate.
5. Avoid distractions in the classroom.
6. Develop positive relationships with your teachers.
7. Sit near the teacher if you can.
How to succeed in his or her studies.
1. Create a game plan for each study session.
2. Plug his or her study sessions into the schedule.
3. Find a studying method that suits his or her learning style; find out whether he or she is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner.
4. Take breaks.
5. Avoid distractions.
6. Use the school’s resources.
7. Be creative.
8. Get a study buddy or study group.
9. Remember to have fun.