THE aims and philosophy of Telshe Yeshiva emanate from its history, encompassing the time tested methods of the past as well as the needs of the present.
Young men, born and raised in all parts of the United States and Canada, South and Central America, Europe, Africa and Israel, arrive on campus with various backgrounds, but with a common desire to attain a high level of Talmudic Scholarship, as well as the inheret ability to cope with a demanding program of studies.
Young men, born and raised in all parts of the United States and Canada, South and Central America, Europe, Africa and Israel, arrive on campus with various backgrounds, but with a common desire to attain a high level of Talmudic Scholarship, as well as the inheret ability to cope with a demanding program of studies.
学费 $10800.00
住宿率 N/A
毕业率 N/A
位置 N/A
学期 N/A
总学生数 N/A
本科生人数 N/A
研究生人数 N/A
国际生比例 N/A
男女比例 - / -
申请人数 N/A
录取人数 N/A
录取率 N/A
August 15
*数据来源:学校官方、U.S. News、CollegeBoard
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