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现申请了Middlesex School. Lawrence Academy, Geogre School,Dunn School,The Gunnery, The Pennington School(申请学校面试学校拒了),Virginia Episcopal School(学校看过vericant面试后不建议申请),Wyoming Seminary Upper School,Cushing School(学校安排了校园面试时间), Lake Forest School(学校安排了校园面试时间), Worcester Academy.
远景领航咨询(美京沪)PCL王约翰 中级顾问回答于12/27/2014孩子的分数还是处于中档偏上,Middlesex试试吧,不要抱太大希望,LFA属于冲刺的,Dunn和George应该问题不大。你如果想详细咨询,可以联系我。我们北京的办公室就在中关村。
回答于12/20/2014I think there is a reason why Virginia Episcopal declined your daughter's application after the Vericant interview. The interview gives prospective schools a good idea the student's English ability and if they deem it to be lacking, it will definitely affect how well the student will perform academically after they are admitted. Regardless of which schools your daughter will apply to and be admitted, it will be wise to have your daughter devote more time to improve her English before she goes abroad otherwise she will struggle and perhaps not do as well as you or she would expect.
信安国外教育 - Tracy 中级顾问回答于12/19/2014您好,根据今年申请情况,学校竞争很激烈,以您孩子考试成绩,根据去年申请情况,申请 Gunnery是没有太大问题的,但是今年GUNNERY只能作为目标院校去争取,您的选校中chshing以及lake forest都是比较合理的,如果面试表现还可以的话,问题不是很大。因为孩子9年级,稳妥起见,建议可以再增加1-2所保底。